Willdenowia is an international peer-reviewed journal publishing original research articles in English from the entire fields of plant, algal and fungal systematics, covering the evolution, taxonomy and nomenclature of these organisms as well as related fields such as floristics and plant geography. Articles on phylogeny and molecular systematics are especially welcome. Descriptions of new taxa will normally not be considered unless they are part of the results of a phylogenetic study or revision of a larger group, and that study or revision is the main focus of the manuscript. Manuscripts focused on nomenclature and typifications, checklists and new floristic records are also normally not considered (excluding contributions to the Euro+Med-Checklist Notulae). Authors are encouraged to deposit duplicates of their material in the Berlin herbarium (B).
Articles are published continuously in an open-access online edition. Each year's content comprises one volume, which from 2025 (volume 55) is not divided into issues. A print edition is published annually.
Authors pay no open-access fees and retain copyright under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use provided the original author and source are credited. All authors may make the version of record of their article freely available by self-archiving, individually, institutionally or in a subject-based open-access repository. Public archiving of earlier versions, e.g. manuscripts or proofs on preprint platforms, is not permitted.
For further information see the journal's website.
Online ISSN: 1868-6397
Current: Aug 2024 : Volume 54 Issue 2-3
BioOne Member Since: 2015
Frequency: Yearly
Impact Factor: 1.8
Journal Citation Reports® Ranking: PLANT SCIENCES 125/265
Journal Citation Indicator: .52